Eldora Public Library
Long Range Plan
The Eldora Public Library Board of Trustees and the Library Director set forth the following Long Range Plan for the next five years with annual reviews and updates. The plan is based on data from the Iowa Public Library Patron Service Survey (FY 2018), and the needs and interests of the community as viewed by the community, Library Board , and Director.
Goal #1: Based on community needs and interests, the Eldora Public Libary will provide and maintain a modern library facility that delivers prompt, efficient, and friendly services responsive to users' requests for material and services.
Objective #1: The library will provide a meeting room available to the public free of charge.
Objective #2: The library will provide Wi-Fi Internet Access, and public computers with internet access. We will provide the fastest speed available, as budget allows(FY 2019-ongoing)
Objective #3: The Eldora Public Library will replace all staff and patron computers on rotating basis of every five years, as budget allows (FY 2021-2022)
Objective #4: The Eldora Public Library will provide color photocopier, printer, scan, and fax machine. We will replace copy machine as budget allows (FY18-ongoing)
Objective #5: We will continue to subscribe annually to Bridges, as well as Learning Express, CREDO, Gale Pages, Transparent Language Online. We will continue to supply E-book readers for checkout(FY18-ongoing)
Objective #6: The Library Director will research adding digital music and video streaming to the collection by FY 2022, as budget allows.
Objective #7: The director/staff will attend training sessions/webinars through the State Library and other sources to familiarize themselves with computer and digital devices (FY 18-ongoing)
GOAL #2: Based on community needs, the Eldora Public Library will promote and encourage reading among all ages with special emphasis on Pre-school/Kindergarten and cooperate with educators to develop each student's full potential as a reader.
Objective#1: The Library will continue to promote Interlibrary Loan Services
Objective #2: The Library will continue to work with the teachers in the South Hardin/Eldora- New Providence School districts, homeschoolers, as well as State Training School. We will prepare materials for special projects, as requested by the teachers.(FY 2018-ongoing)
Objective #3: The director will deliver books to home-bound residents and nursing homes.
Objective #4: The Director/Children's Librarian will maintain out reach program with local daycare by delivering books and holding story time once per week. (FY 2018-on-going)
Objective #5: The Library will provide a summer reading program for children and adults(FY 2018-ongoing)
Objective #6: The Library will continue to offer Imagination Library in 50627 zip code.
Objective #7: The Library will continue with 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten( Ongoing)
Goal #3: Based on community needs, the Eldora Public Library will support community , educational, civic and cultural activities.
Objective #1: The Library will continue to offer engaging programs for adult patrons. ( FY 2018-ongoing)
Objective #2: The Library will offer after school homework club 4x per week during the school year. One-two adults will be available to assist, determined by number of participants.
Objective #3: The Library will offer holiday parties, winter break activities, and presentations on popular topics. These will be advertised on Social Media , flyers, and word of mouth(FY18-ongoing)
Objective #4: We will supply music CDs for children, and DVDs for children and adults. We will clearly label G, JDVD,and ADVD. (FY 18-ongoing)
Objective #5: The library will offer a public display case for special exhibits. (FY18-ongoing)
Objective #6: The Director will look at creating a teen space with new furnishings, and start a teen advisory council ( FY20-21)
Goal #4: The Library Board of Trustees and staff will strive to maintain a safe, clean, and welcoming building and property. We will keep property well manicured, and heating/cooling system up to date.
- Objective #1: The Director and Board of Trustees will update the lighting to LED lights for the exterior. (FY 2019-2022)
Objective #2: The Library and Board of Trustees will update the old boiler system. (FY 2020-2023)
Objective #3: The Director and Board of Trustees will install security cameras on outside , as budget allows) FY 19-ongoing)
Objective #4: We will evaluate the condition of the retaining wall and repair as needed (FY 18-ongoing)